Oracle Cloud Native Environment Repositories

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Repositories - Opensource

RepositoryDescriptionOpen Source Terms and Restrictions
cephThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
citadelThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
configmap-registryThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
configmap-reloadThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
corednsThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
etcdThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
externalip-webhookThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
flannelThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
galleyThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
grafanaThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
istio_kubectlThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
kube-apiserverThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
kube-controller-managerThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
kube-proxyThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
kube-schedulerThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
kubernetes-dashboardThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
mixerThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
nginxThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
operator-lifecycle-managerThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
pauseThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
pilotThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
prometheusThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
proxy_initThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
proxyv2This image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
sidecar_injectorThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under one or more open source license that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.

Repositories - Other Opensource

RepositoryDescriptionOpen Source License Text
alertmanagerThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
apiserverThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
cephcsiThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
cert-manager-acmesolverThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
cert-manager-cainjectorThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
cert-manager-controllerThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
cert-manager-startupapicheckThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
cert-manager-webhookThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
cert-manager-webhook-ociThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
cluster-api-controllerThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
cniThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
configmaptocrsThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
controllerThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
csiThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
csi-attacherThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
csi-node-driver-registrarThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
csi-provisionerThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
csi-resizerThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
csi-snapshotterThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
ctlThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
custom-error-pagesThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
dexThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
dikastesThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
fluent-bitThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
fluent-operatorThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
ingress-nginx-controllerThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
kube-controllersThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
kube-state-metricsThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
kube-webhook-certgenThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
kubeadm-bootstrap-controllerThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
kubeadm-control-plane-controllerThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
libguestfs-tools-imageThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
mirror-serverThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
module-operatorThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under UPL that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
multus-cniThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
nodeThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
node-driver-registrarThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
node-exporterThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
ockThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under UPL that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
ock-ostreeThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under UPL that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
ocne-catalogThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
pod2daemon-flexvolThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
prometheus-adapterThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
prometheus-config-reloaderThe container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
prometheus-operatorThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
speakerThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
thanosThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
tigera-operatorThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
typhaThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. ​The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.
uiThis image is automatically downloaded by the Oracle Linux Cloud Native Environment Platform Agent as part of the installation process and are not intended to be downloaded manually. The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under Apache 2.0 that are provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of those licenses.