

# Quick Reference Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Express Edition (XE) is a free edition of Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database, licensed under the Oracle Free Use Terms and Conditions license. TimesTen XE functions mostly the same as the regular TimesTen product with some restrictions. Details of the restrictions for TimesTen XE are described in the [TimesTen Licensing Guide]( The TimesTen XE Docker image contains: - An Oracle Linux distribution, including optional packages that are a prerequisite for TimesTen XE release - Oracle Java (required for ZooKeeper and some other utilities) - A `timesten` group and `timesten` user - A TimesTen XE installation that is created from the official TimesTen XE distribution - A TimesTen XE Classic instance that is based on the TimesTen XE installation - A directory that contains the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator distribution. This directory is contained within the ``file from the TimesTen XE distribution - A directory that contains the Zookeeper distribution. This directory is contained within the `apache-zookeeper-\*.tar.gz`file from the TimesTen XE distribution The Kubernetes Operator is not required for basic container functionality but is highly recommended if deploying TimesTen containers in Kubernetes. See [TimesTen Kubernetes Operator User’s Guide]( for more information. For more information on TimesTen 22.1, see [TimesTen Documentation]( # Using the TimesTen XE Images The Oracle TimesTen development team maintains the TimesTen XE Docker images. These images are built specifically for Linux platforms. ## Prerequisites - A system running Docker, or a compatible container runtime. - Internet connectivity (needed to access this container registry) - A valid login (free to create). ## Access the TimesTen XE Docker Image You must sign in using your Oracle account and accept the license agreement before you can pull the TimesTen Docker image from the Oracle Container Registry. You can find the license agreement on the right side of this page. 1. Accept the license agreement. 2. Generate an Auth Token for the next step. </br> a. Go to the upper right corner under your login.</br> b. Select Auth Token. </br> c. Use Generate Secret Key button to create Auth Token.</br> d. Copy secret key/Auth Token it generated.</br> 3. On your Docker client, use the `docker login` command to log in to the Oracle Container Registry. When prompted, enter your Oracle account username and the Auth Token from step 2 as password. `$ docker login` `Username: <Oracle account username>` `Password: <Auth Token>` 3. Use the `docker pull` command to pull the TimesTen images. `$ docker pull` ## Start and Connect to a TimesTen XE Classic Instance 1. Use the `docker run` command to create the tt container and start the TimesTen Classic instance. `$ docker run –-init -d --name tt –-rm` 2. Use the `docker exec` command to create a shell in the container. `$ docker exec -it tt /bin/bash` 3. Use the TimesTen `ttDaemonAdmin` utility to start the TimesTen daemon. Then, use the TimesTen `ttStatus` utility to display TimesTen status information. ``` [timesten]$ ttDaemonAdmin -start [timesten]$ ttStatus ``` You successfully started and connected to a TimesTen XE Classic instance. You are ready to create a TimesTen database. See the [TimesTen Documentation ]( more information. **IMPORTANT:** The TimesTen instance contained in the official image resides on the containers internal (transient) storage. The instance, and any databases created by it, are not persistent and will disappear as soon as the container stops. To use persistent databases with containers you need to provide external persistent storage. For a step by step example of how to do this, consult the [Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database samples]( on GitHub. # Documentation Accessibility For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at # Access to Oracle Support TimesTen XE is not supported by Oracle Support. Questions regarding TimesTen XE can be posted in the [TimesTen Community Forum](

Short URL for Repo

Other Open Source Licenses

The container image you have selected and all of the software that it contains is licensed under the Oracle Free Use Terms and Conditions which is provided in the container image. Your use of the container is subject to the terms of Oracle Free Use Terms and Conditions license.

Pull Command for Latest

docker pull


TagOS/ArchitectureSizePull CommandLast UpdatedImage ID
latestlinux/amd641009.13 MBdocker pull years ago9d283fb3f5bd MBdocker pull years ago9d283fb3f5bd MBdocker pull years ago9d283fb3f5bd
22.1.1-java17-oraclelinux8linux/amd641009.13 MBdocker pull years ago9d283fb3f5bd
22.1.1linux/amd641009.13 MBdocker pull years ago9d283fb3f5bd MBdocker pull years ago1d52cf1eb585 MBdocker pull years ago1d52cf1eb585 MBdocker pull years ago5c95ca8c1359
22.1linux/amd64946.64 MBdocker pull years ago5c95ca8c1359